Friday, October 8, 2010

Eagles downed by Baruch High School in 5-0 loss

Written By: Ewa Pruszkowska

The Eagles fell 5-0 on Tuesday to first-ranked Baruch College High School in a rescheduled match. The East Riverside Park battle was getting aggressive as the Eagles would not give up this match without a fight. We knew that this was not going to be an easy fight as Baruch College High School girls were fast and quick to defend, putting the Eagles in a more rushed game than they had ever been in before.

The HSES team played until the last whistle and refused to go down without a fight. Tough games were played by Karla Kirsch, Kenia Cohetero, Nina Luksanapol, Niky Falques and Jenna Aboulafia. Kenia played a perfect game as a designated man-marker and really showed her skill and tenacity.

The Eagles have some things to work on, including mental and physical speed as well as their game mentality. It is important to remember that being down doesn't automatically mean that you have lost the game. Always keep fighting. The team has a tough practice planned for Wednesday before they face Harlem Choir Academy at Harlem River Park on Thursday at 4 pm.
The Player of the Game was Michelle Guerrero (pictured left), who was a good organizer and a tough defender, especially saving that one goal that helped goalie Ewa Pruszkowska. Michelle has gotten much better at running the defense from the back and shown much leadership in her role as center defender.

As a team and as individuals, we learn from every game and apply it to the next games to come. Good Luck on Thursday!

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