Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eagles sink their talons into the Titans Sunday, 5-1!

Written By: Michelle Guerrero

Our Lady Eagles had a victory last Sunday afternoon against Bayard Rustin High School Titans with an astounding score of 5-1. Throughout the game, our Lady Eagles were very aggressive and had great teamwork. Passes were completed up and down the field throughout the entire game, creating exciting moments for players, coaches, and fans alike. Within the first half, the first goal was made by our great midfielder, Nina Luksanapol from an amazing 30-yards out! It went just over the goalkeeper. Our second goal was made by Karla Kirsch, recently elected as a new Team Captain in addition to Yesenia Cornejo and Destini Torres, off of a shot from Yesenia Cornejo that flew off of the post, bouncing back into play. As time went on, the 3rd goal was made by Kenia Cohetero after Jenna Aboulafia shot it right off the keeper. By the end of the first half, Karla Kirsch made the 4th goal.

Halftime was dedicated to discussing communication as a team and it showed during the second half of play. During the second half, our last goal was made by Destini Torres after she dribbled the ball through 3 people all by herself and then shot & scored. The Eagles briefly celebrated, and then went into three days of practice to prepare for their game against Baruch High School.

The Player of the Game was rewarded to senior goalkeeper Ewa Pruskowska (pictured above and left), who had the one of the best games that she's had all season! New to goalkeeping this year, she saved 18 goals and only allowed one! She played with passion, confidence, and a new sense of toughness that everyone knew she had in her. Our next game is on Thursday vs. Baruch High School, the #1 ranked team in our league. We got this Lady Eagle Yeahhh

Friday, September 24, 2010

Eagles dominate Adlai Stevenson 5-0!

Written By: Niky Falques

Today our H.S.E.S. Lady Eagles soccer team played against Adlai Stevenson High School, and I can honestly say that our Lady Eagles dominated the field with the final score being 5-0! We had some major teamwork going on out on the field with 1 goal in the second half from freshman Jenna Aboulafia (#16) with an assist from Senior and one of our captains Yesenia Cornejo (#5)! Another very beautiful goal was scored in the first half by our other captain, sophomore Destini Torres (#15)! Junior Catherine Alvarado (#9) scored her first goal late in the second half, again with an assist from Yesenia Cornejo (#5)!

The final 2 goals that I've yet to mention were made by the Player of the Game Karla Kirsch (#6). Karla (pictured at left and above) definitely earned the title of Player of the Game with her amazing performance on and off the field! Karla has now scored the first goals for the Eagles in two, starting the Eagles off on the right foot against both South Bronx and Adlai Stevenson.

In total, our Lady Eagles had 31 shots, 5 of which were goals! Our H.S.E.S. Girl's Soccer team is having a wonderful season and I am positive that their hard work and determination will pay off at the end of our season! <3

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eagles face 4-2 loss to Julia Richman Tuesday

The Eagles faced their second loss on Tuesday against Julia Richman High School at Randall's Island. Despite matching the team in skill and surpassing them in speed, the Eagles fell prey in the first half to 4 quick goals. They really picked up their game in the end of the first half and throughout the second half, spurred by two quick and focused goals by the Player of the Game, sophomore Destini Torres.

Destini has the special skill of finding energy when the Eagles need it most and seizing opportunities to score as they arise. Her dedication the team and unwillingness to lose gave her and the rest of the team an extra surge of motivation throughout the second half of the game and reminded the Eagles that they should never settle for a loss until the last whistle blows. The Eagles held Julia Richman scoreless in the second half and dominated the half, with 12 shots on goal and 6 corner kicks.

Great games were also played by Karla Kirsch, who played aggressively at center forward, Marjete Vucinaj, who stepped in as goalie for the Eagles, and Jenna Aboulafia, who moved mid-game to a defensive position despite never playing it before.

The Eagles face Adlai Stevenson today at their home field in the Bronx. Good Luck, Eagles!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Eagles face tough 2-1 loss against George Washington, but learn from the experience

Written By: Yangtsel Sherap

Leo Tolstoy once said that “We lost because we told ourselves we lost”.

Today the HSES’ very own Lady Eagles had a tough battle against George Washington High School’s Girl's Varsity soccer team at the opponent’s home field located on 192nd St. and Audubon Ave. Although the Eagles lost 2-1, this game is just going to be a reminder of the subject of wins and losses that is ingrained in the identity of this sport.

During the first half of the match, the opposing team led the game by 1 goal which was evened out when the player of the game, senior Yesenia Cornejo, pictured above left, scored a wonderful goal from a cross made possible by Destini Torres and then a touch from Karla Kirsch. The team’s goalie, Ewa Pruszkowska, pictued below, saved a total of nine shots- one of them by diving on the ground and altering the route of the ball by the slight touch of her fingertips.Despite the “loss”, the Eagles stand to gain a lot from this experience. The unity of this team was emphasized today when Freshman Jenna Aboulafia, sophmores Destini Torres and Kenia Cohetero, juniors Diana Eng, Nina Luksanapol, and Camille Fernandez, and seniors Michelle Guerrero and Gennesis Alava shined as they executed great passes, crosses, headers, and even showed their skills at dribbling the ball and being much more aggressive.

Today’s match is just a bump on the road, for the Lady Eagles still have eleven more games before this soccer season comes to an end. They will face Julia Richman HS at Randall’s Island this Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.

Friday, September 17, 2010

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain

The Girl's Soccer Team worked on a few things this week after Tuesday's game, but Wednesday's practice was dedicated mostly to building our own mentality of "toughness." As a contact sport, soccer sometimes involves plays in which the toughness of the player will determine who wins the ball. The Eagles really dug deep on Wednesday, challenging themselves as well as their teammates to be fearless & strong during aggression drills. They hope to carry their new sense of personal strength to the field today as they face George Washington High School at 4pm in Washington Heights. Good luck, Eagles! May the "stronger" team win! (Pictured: Above left-Kenia Cohetero & Gennesis Alava. Above right- Karla Kirsch & Yesenia Cornejo. Above center- Diana Eng & Flore Costume)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Promising Season

Written By: Flore Costume

This seems like the start of a promising season. The Lady Eagle soccer team soared through the challenges presented to them today. It was a tough fight, but the Lady Eagles won 3 to 1 vs. Harlem Choir Academy at Randall's Island.

The new goalie, Ewa Pruszkowska, made ten impressive saves throughout the game. Destini Torres had six shots on goal and scored the final goal for the Eagles by dribbling past three defenders and then sending a bullet of a shot into the net.

The player of the game, freshman forward Jenna Aboulafia (#16, pictured right), made 2 back-to-back goals in the first half. The first one was assisted by Kenia Cohetero and the second one was assisted by Destini Torres. Unfortunately, Jenna was hurt in the second half by a collision with the Choir Academy goalie.

Hopefully everyone, including Jenna, will be ready for the game on Friday against George Washington High School at the George Washington High School Field on 192nd Street & Audubon Avenue. The game will begin at 4 pm.

GO LADY EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Eagles defeat South Bronx 5-0 in Season Opener!

The Eagles Soccer Team had a great Season Opener on Sunday, beating South Bronx High School 5-0. After almost three weeks of pre-season practices, the team was definitely ready for their first game. Karla Kirsch (6) scored the first goal of the season and her first personal goal for the Eagles only 8 minutes into the game. The coaches are excited to see Karla playing more at forward this year. Kenia Cohetero (11) notched the second goal close to the end of the second half by punching it just over the goal line.

In the second half, the Eagles moved to a 3-man defense, with Michelle Guerrero (13), Gennesis Alava (17), and Camille Fernandez (14) holding up a tough defensive line. Destini Torres (15) moved to forward and swiftly scored 2 goals, one soaring across the goal into the far-side net. Yesenia Cornejo (5) then moved to forward and finished off the last of the five Eagle goals despite a tough collision with the South Bronx goalkeeper.

The player of the game was Kenia Cohetero (left), who played as center midfielder for the first time and after a summer of training and hard work, has shown much improvement. "The team did a great job of passing the ball," said Cohetero, "I love our team. That's it."

The Eagles head enthusiastically into a tough game Tuesday vs. Choir Academy of Harlem High School. The game will be played in Central Park at 4 pm.