Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eagles face 4-2 loss to Julia Richman Tuesday

The Eagles faced their second loss on Tuesday against Julia Richman High School at Randall's Island. Despite matching the team in skill and surpassing them in speed, the Eagles fell prey in the first half to 4 quick goals. They really picked up their game in the end of the first half and throughout the second half, spurred by two quick and focused goals by the Player of the Game, sophomore Destini Torres.

Destini has the special skill of finding energy when the Eagles need it most and seizing opportunities to score as they arise. Her dedication the team and unwillingness to lose gave her and the rest of the team an extra surge of motivation throughout the second half of the game and reminded the Eagles that they should never settle for a loss until the last whistle blows. The Eagles held Julia Richman scoreless in the second half and dominated the half, with 12 shots on goal and 6 corner kicks.

Great games were also played by Karla Kirsch, who played aggressively at center forward, Marjete Vucinaj, who stepped in as goalie for the Eagles, and Jenna Aboulafia, who moved mid-game to a defensive position despite never playing it before.

The Eagles face Adlai Stevenson today at their home field in the Bronx. Good Luck, Eagles!

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