Friday, September 17, 2010

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain

The Girl's Soccer Team worked on a few things this week after Tuesday's game, but Wednesday's practice was dedicated mostly to building our own mentality of "toughness." As a contact sport, soccer sometimes involves plays in which the toughness of the player will determine who wins the ball. The Eagles really dug deep on Wednesday, challenging themselves as well as their teammates to be fearless & strong during aggression drills. They hope to carry their new sense of personal strength to the field today as they face George Washington High School at 4pm in Washington Heights. Good luck, Eagles! May the "stronger" team win! (Pictured: Above left-Kenia Cohetero & Gennesis Alava. Above right- Karla Kirsch & Yesenia Cornejo. Above center- Diana Eng & Flore Costume)

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