Sunday, September 12, 2010

Eagles defeat South Bronx 5-0 in Season Opener!

The Eagles Soccer Team had a great Season Opener on Sunday, beating South Bronx High School 5-0. After almost three weeks of pre-season practices, the team was definitely ready for their first game. Karla Kirsch (6) scored the first goal of the season and her first personal goal for the Eagles only 8 minutes into the game. The coaches are excited to see Karla playing more at forward this year. Kenia Cohetero (11) notched the second goal close to the end of the second half by punching it just over the goal line.

In the second half, the Eagles moved to a 3-man defense, with Michelle Guerrero (13), Gennesis Alava (17), and Camille Fernandez (14) holding up a tough defensive line. Destini Torres (15) moved to forward and swiftly scored 2 goals, one soaring across the goal into the far-side net. Yesenia Cornejo (5) then moved to forward and finished off the last of the five Eagle goals despite a tough collision with the South Bronx goalkeeper.

The player of the game was Kenia Cohetero (left), who played as center midfielder for the first time and after a summer of training and hard work, has shown much improvement. "The team did a great job of passing the ball," said Cohetero, "I love our team. That's it."

The Eagles head enthusiastically into a tough game Tuesday vs. Choir Academy of Harlem High School. The game will be played in Central Park at 4 pm.

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